The thing about leaks are – they start slow. I’ve had a roof leak before. Imperceptibly, a bit of water makes its way through your roof. At first, you have no idea it is happening. You see nothing. Until a water spot appears. Left unattended, that water spot becomes a drip. Unchecked still, it floods from ceiling to wood floor.
Disappointment starts as a leak until discouragement comes like a flood.
I thought along these same lines as I tried to detangle my daughter’s hair the other day. Because I hadn’t attended to her knots daily, now her hair was a woolen blanket, 1-inch thick of a knotted mess. Whoops. It was torture trying to figure out how to un-knot everything.
Where has disappointment left you with such a knotted mess, you’ve started to believe it’s impossible to untangle?
You know, I did untangle Madison’s hair. May I encourage you today? Jesus is the de-tangler to EVERY SINGLE problem we face.
If it is written, “For nothing is impossible with God…” (Lu. 1:37) then, nothing is impossible with God.
If it is written, “we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. . . (Ro. 8:37)” then, we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.
Let us not look at the flood and miss the remedy. Or at the tangles and miss the detangler.
There is no power of hell, no scheme of man, no day of old and no mindset of fear that can’t be fixed by the fullness of Jesus’ saving power. I am sick and tired of dwelling in defeat. Are you?
Today is the day it must go. Why? Because Jesus paid a price so that we could ditch that kind of gunk. And, if He paid for it with blood and nails, embarrassment and injury, then I am not going to try to steal it back from him. It doesn’t belong to me.
Christ paid the price to free us from the curse that the laws in Moses’ Teachings bring by becoming cursed instead of us. Gal. 3:13
Today, I want to speak over us, people who are a royal priesthood and a holy nation (1 Pet. 2:9), a new word: God is for us! Whatever lie of old, device of defeat, or insult-of-yesterday that is speaking over that, must now talk to Jesus. Because, by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, we will not submit again to a yoke of slavery (Gal. 5:1).
Let’s pray:
Father God, we will NOT stand for things that compete against you. We will not cower down, fear or walk away from you because things, people, disappointments or injuries try to tell us you are not good. We thank you that your goodness is as solid as gold. Your faithfulness is as strong as ever and your plan, which is entirely beneficial to our souls, will prevail. We get near to you and ask you right now to remove disappointment, discouragement, and defeat from us, right now. We give these things to you and, in return, accept your healing, your peace, your fullness, and your guidance. We thank you for the new thing you are about to do in our life. We will not let insults or injuries steal the work you did for us on the cross. We are yours, entirely. Bitterness has no place in us. You are our protector. We don’t need to look to man to give us what we think we need because we have you. And, that’s enough. You’re enough. We praise you today for the gift that is your healing, heart, and help. In Jesus all-powerful, alive and active name, Amen.
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