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How Assumptions Can Injure You


Give. That’s what I do when I meet with people. They ask to meet. I link up with them. And, usually, then they ask me: 1. How to write and get published 2. How they can stop feeling afraid, held captive or stuck  3. How to start writing … Or, they just unload and tell me their whole-life story.

Rarely, do people ask about – me. Which I am okay with. On good days, I say to myself: God, it’s not all about me; it’s all about you. And, God, with beauty, shows up through me, for them. I love seeing Him work.

But, on this particular day, I felt tired. After having a couple of long-winded meetings with people who unloaded everything without any reciprocal questions, I felt like taking a break. So, when a random woman asked me for coffee I did some things that were COMPLETELY un-Christian author-like: I delayed our get-together a couple of weeks. Then, when she contacted me – I entirely ignored her text. Both the first one. And the second one, days later.

Then, she called.

And, before you know it, I was sitting in front of her on the patio of a coffee shop. Instinctually and internally, I was prepared to help her with all her needs, wants and dreams. I leaned in and said, “Tell me about you. . . ”

But, as we carried our conversation on…

It was as if she didn’t want anything from me. Shocking.
It was as if she was there just because God wanted her to be. Again. Shocking.
It was as if she wanted to see what God was up to. Kelly, prepare to be shocked.
I let down my guard and then shared a message God put on my heart of late: one of resting with Him.

She looked at me and said something like, “That’s it! That’s why God put you and I together. He told me this morning that I was supposed to give this bracelet to you.”

She took it off and slid it on my wrist.

And continued on, “In morse code it says on this bracelet the words ‘Be Still’.”

And boom! Right then and there, God broke the ice I didn’t even realize was surrounding my heart.

In a breakthrough moment, arrow-like messages hit my soul, saying:

Be still, Kelly. What morse-code messages I plan to send you, you can’t receive if you’re assuming.
Be still, Kelly. I see what is on your heart; I care for you also.
Be still, Kelly. It is not your work, but mine.
Be still, Kelly. I have a friend you’ve been looking for in this woman.

I easily could have ignored this meeting. In fact, I was positioned to do just that. I thank God I didn’t let assumptions ultimately get in the way. I would have lost so many laughs, a future prayer-partner and being with a woman of wisdom.

God, pour out a grace on me and the readers of this page. I ask that we not judge or assume things about people. If we hold our finger, like a log, in front of only one of our opened eyes, Father, we cannot fully see. This is what its like when we assume. From a limited vantage point, we speak limiting words and limit our future. Help us not to do this. Help us not to miss all the hidden morse-code messages you want our hearts to receive. Let not, fear and judgment hold us back from you, God. Our past does not predict how you are presently moving. Give us eyes to see. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor? (James 4:11-12)


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