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Handling Broken Things…

The plant wasn’t even real; it was plastic. Maybe that’s why it wouldn’t stand upright. At the slightest sign of wind, the dang plant, and the pot it was in, would crash over. I’d walk outside and see it, yet again, knocked over. And, day after day, I picked it up.

Except for this morning… Staring at a triangular piece broken off the side of the pot from the raging war of hard winds and repeated falls, I wondered what in the world I was doing.

I decided, I can either watch this thing fall 1,000 more times, or I can get up and do something about it. Sometimes, we are waiting on God, when God may be waiting on us. God gave us two feet and two hands. With this, we always have a God-given ability to move our feet and to use our hands. To take a stand. To do something new. To use new words. To steady ourselves in God’s Word. Or, we can keep observing our own fall, and see only a defeated spirit.

With all this, I knew it was time to stop watching the falling decline of this plastic plant and my own internal defeated spirit.

So, I drove with my husband to Walmart this morning! I walked myself right into the outdoor section, studied the small variety of foliage, and I bought myself a real, sturdy, and beautiful plant.

It felt powerful.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (2 Tim. 1:7)

I am not powerless to effect change in my life; I am powerful. The spirit that I walk in is powerfulness in Christ! And that plant, I knew, would be a continual reminder of this fact!

I am powerful to change bad habits.
I am powerful to obey God in moments of temptation.
I am powerful to exchange my barren mentalities to see God’s lush growth in my life.
I am powerful to stand strong and to resist the enemy.
I am powerful and I make progress spiritually by the power of God’s Word.
I am powerful to trust God, who is at work in me!

He is at work in you too!

What would it look like to make powerful progress in your life today? What, in the natural, may be powerfully symbolic as you make a greater move towards God?

Maybe you clean out a drawer and in the spiritual it reminds you continually of the new space you are clearing out for time with God.

Maybe you ditch the junk in your closet and it represents letting go of the shame of the past.

Maybe you buy yourself a piece of jewelry that continually reminds you of how much God loves you.

Small progress counts big. Progress doesn’t have to be a giant leap to be tremendously and spiritually impactful.

For instance, now, when I see that leafy green, knee-high plant? I see my ability to effect change through the strength God is affording me. I realize — I am not a victim in any way, shape or form; I am powerful in Christ Jesus.

I do new things and take action!

In the end, I got tired of watching that pot fall over 1,000 times. What may be falling over in your life time and time again? What small act of progress could God be calling you to that might make giant leaps in your life? What small move may encourage you to stay strong in heart and mind?

Make that move, today! And, tell me about it! I’d love to hear.

Prayer: Father, I want to thank You that You don’t leave us helpless and hopeless. We have inside of us the Hope of all Glory, Christ Jesus. Help us to stand up, to stand firm, and to fan the flame within us. We want to be strong in faith and heart. Give us power to change and grow. Give us grace to take new steps. Encourage us in all Your ways. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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