My kids.
My husband.
My family.
Saying, “my ___” has real value, signifies ownership, belonging and love.
A friend of mine, when God breaks through says, “My God.” As He shows up, she speaks, “My God!”
As if He did it just for her. . .
Her words touched me; He did do it just for her. He also did it just for Daniel when he was stuck in the den of lions:
“Very early the next morning, the king got up and hurried out to the lions’ den. When he got there, he called out in anguish, “Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you serve so faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?”
Daniel answered, “Long live the king! My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.” (Dan. 6:19-22)
Notice what he said: “My God”!
My God rescued.
My God delivered.
My God knows my needs.
My God answers my prayers.
My God has a way out.
Do you know your God — as My God?
The one who moves on your behalf. The one who you proclaim as “My God” after victory. The one who sees, hears, understands and captures the picture of where you are and what you need?
“Not a scratch was found on Daniel because he had trusted in “his God.” (Dan. 7:23)
Not a scratch will be found on you as you trust in “your God”.
My God!
My God! He’s faithful.
My God! He shows up!
My God! He knows what I’ve gotten myself into.
My God! He knows how to get me out of it.
My God! He had the answers before I even encountered the problem.
He shuts up the mouths of lions.
Beats opposers.
Quiets lies.
My God! My God! My God! Just say it out loud – “My God!”
Take ownership of those two words. My. God.
My. God. You. Have. A. Plan. And. It. Is. Good.
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