I wonder what they think of me? How did I do?
It’s a subtle thought – but a dangerous one.
How did “I” do? How did “I” appear?
Whether you are bringing a dish to a sick neighbor in need, giving money to your kid’s school, or spending your time with people in need -there’s one important question to ask yourself:
Am I doing it onto them or unto God?
I can tell if I’m doing it onto them if I:
expect accolades.
look at results.
decide that I did a good job according to how people react.
need feedback.
gain worth based on how I did.
I can also tell if I am doing it unto God if I:
am at peace no matter how things look.
am thankful.
understand that all good things from him.
get my worth from Christ’s acceptance of me.
Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. (Gal. 1:10)
Pride masks itself as a need – to know, to want recognition, to appear a certain way, to have all the answers, to be loved by everyone, to be seen in good light. Humility, on the other hand, let’s all things go to God and understands that anything good, worthy, true, noble and of good report is the working of God anyway. He created it all from the start. He gave it.
A humble person is not “made” or destroyed by results, or even by God’s good gifts. They love the giver of the gifts more than the blessings of the gifts.
Where do you fall?
I’ve fallen to pride too many times to count. If you are there today, let me assure you, you can get right back up again. Ask God to help you remember His faithfulness, how far He has brought you, what He is doing and how He is helping you. Acknowledge both His goodness and your need for Him. Thank Him for His faithfulness. Thank Him that He is the one doing and seeing everything through. Lean on Him in your time of need. He is there for you. He is restoring you.
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